Healthy Soil Roundtable
Began in May 2022 as a networking opportunity for compost stakeholders.
Brings together composters, government representatives from CDFA, CalRecycle, and municipalities, and other organizations involved in SB1383 Diversion and Procurement.
Discusses issues of compost processing, quality, transportation, and application in a low-pressure environment.
Open to non-members of ACP, invitation only.
Meets the first Monday afternoon of even months.
Has workgroups between the bi-monthly meetings.
Hosts a virtual Summit annually on World Soil Day (Dec. 5).

Interested in learning more?
We bring together compost haulers, producers, and stakeholders, including non-profits, government agencies, compost users (farms, landscapers, municipalities), and more.
Together, we use compost to build healthy soil in each California County where our members do business.